The following WVU Parkersburg committees were formed to advanced the quality education, development and inclusive environment for students, faculty and staff.
Classified Staff Council
The Classified Staff Council of West Virginia University at Parkersburg seek to promote a positive work environment for all employees.
Faculty Development Committee
The following links provide resource materials regarding faculty development opportunities available to...
Faculty Senate
The faculty at WVU Parkersburg has chosen to establish an institutional faculty senate as a representative governing body of faculty...
Instructional Innovation Committee
The charge of the Instructional Innovation Committee is to assist the Center for Instructional Innovation in carrying out its mission...
Outcomes Assessment Committee
Assessments of student learning and development along with the assessment of faculty and staff are ongoing collaborative...
Curriculum Committee
The Curriculum Committee oversees and facilitates the institutional curriculum process to ensure campus wide involvement, transparency, and communication...
Staff Development Coordinating Committee
The following links provide resource materials regarding faculty development opportunities available to WVU Parkersburg faculty...
Textbook Affordability Committee
The WVU Parkersburg Textbook Affordability Committee consists of faculty, staff, students, administrators and bookstore representatives...