Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee oversees and facilitates the institutional curriculum process to ensure campus wide involvement, transparency, and communication to all stakeholders through various means, including maintaining and updating all information sources such as the College Catalog and website. The Curriculum Committee reviews and approves specific proposals and curricula changes from the course to the program level including new course approval, new program approval, program and course deletion, annual program review, graduation requirements, and associated academic policy. The Curriculum Committee serves a dual role with the Outcomes Assessment Committee in the development and maintenance of curriculum and assessment. Curriculum Committee members will attend Outcomes Assessment Committee meetings as necessary in order to facilitate the dual role. The Curriculum Committee meets at least monthly from August to May and as necessary. Goals for the academic year.



Charles Almond – Co-chair

Amy Strong – Co-Chair

Pearley Brown

Christi Calvert

Joel Farkas

Craig Giffin

Pat Harris

Kurt Knopp

Kyle Lancaster

Melanie Matheny

Callix Miller

Danielle Shockey

Leslie Sims

Kelli Sprout

Jenny Waters

Curriculum Committee Meetings

DateTimeAgendaMinutesLocationZoom Link
September 18, 202310 a.m.

Room 1317-
October 20, 2023Noon

-Room 1317

November 17, 202310 a.m.

Room 1326

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