
Campus Procedures & Guidelines (Answer Book)

The Answer Book contains only general guidelines and information. It is not intended to be comprehensive or address all the possible applications of, or exceptions to, the general policies and procedures described. For that reason, any questions concerning eligibility for a particular benefit or applicability of a policy or practice should be addressed to the responsible administrator listed at the end of the document, or to the Executive Director of Policy and Compliance.

This Answer Book, or any other college document, does not confer any right, either expressed or implied, to remain in the college’s employ. Nor does it guarantee any fixed terms or conditions of employment. An individual’s employment may be terminated pursuant to applicable college policies and procedures. The college may elect not to renew existing employment contracts, with or without cause, upon expiration of the contract.

No supervisor or other representatives of West Virginia University at Parkersburg except the president or the president’s designee has the authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to the above.



I-01 Philosophy of WVU Parkersburg

I-02 Mission of WVU Parkersburg

I-03 Goals and Purposes of WVU Parkersburg

I-04 Guidelines for Institutional Policy/Procedure Development, Review and Approval



III-01 WVU Parkersburg Organizational Chart

III-03 Roles of Individuals and Groups in College Decision Making

III-03A Roles of Work Groups, Councils and Committees

III-05 Constitution and By-Laws of WVU Parkersburg Staff Assembly

III-06 Constitution and By-Laws of WVU Parkersburg Faculty Senate

III-07 Constitution and Bylaws of the Student Government Association of WVU Parkersburg

III-08 Academic Advisory Committees for Applied Programs



IV-01A Sabbatical Leave Procedures

IV-02 Bernard P. McDonough Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year

IV-03 Notice of Nondiscrimination

IV-04A 2024-25 Holiday Schedule

IV-05 Emeritus Status

IV-06 Repayment of Compensation for Employee Advanced Training, Education or Professional Development

IV-07 Student Rating of Instruction

IV-08 Procedures for Annual Faculty Evaluation, Promotion and Tenure

IV-08A Hiring Guidelines

IV-08C Review Process for Classified Positions

IV-09 Principal Work Base

IV-09A Eligibility for Benefits

IV-10- Overtime

IV-11 Faculty Instructional Load

IV-11B Use of Full-Time Staff or Administration for Instruction

IV-12 Term Appointments

IV-13 Faculty Qualifications

IV-13A Position Descriptions

IV-13B- Division Dean Position Description/Terms of Employment

IV-13C Academic Program Coordinator Position Description

IV-13D Faculty Duties and Responsibilities

IV-13E Instructional Specialist Roles and Responsibilities

IV-14 Classified and Non-Classified Staff Performance Appraisal

IV-14A Evaluation of Administrators

IV-15 Faculty Salaries and Performance-Based Increases

IV-16 Performance-Based Salary Increases for Staff

IV-16A Adjunct and Supplemental Employment of Instructional Personnel

IV-18 Personnel Funded by External Agencies

IV-19 Staff Development

IV-20 Wellness Breaks for Nonexempt Staff

IV-22 Protocol for Handling Legal Matters

IV-23 Faculty Development

IV-24A Employee Assistance Program

IV-25 Employee Leave Under Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

IV-26 Grievance Procedures

IV-27 Disability Accommodations for Employees and Job Applicants

IV-28 Employee Disciplinary Procedure

IV-28A Seperation From Employment at WVU Parkersburg

IV-29 WVU Policy and Procedures on Hiring Relatives

IV-30 Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy



V-01 Program Review Timeline

V-02 Electronic Courses

V-03 Student Training in Chemical Hygiene and Safety

V-03A Student Training in Safety for all Industrial, Manufacturing & Electrical Labs in Technical Programs

V-04 Academic Advising Processes

V-05 Outcomes Assessment

V-06 Final Exam Guidelines

V-07 Test Proctoring Procedures

V-08 Conversion of Non Credit to Credit

V-09 Incomplete Grades

V-10 Credit Hour/Contact Hour Ratio

V-11 Credit by Exam

V-12 Corequisite and Prerequisite Courses

V-13 Appeal Procedure for Denial of Transfer Credit

V-14 Honorary Degrees at WVU Parkersburg

V-15 Maximum Courseload

V-16 Class Attendance

V-16A Attendance Verification Reporting

V-17 Credit Articulation

V-18 Guidelines for Developing Program Agreements Between WVU Parkersburg and External Agencies

V-19 Institutional Acceptance of Advanced Placement Credit

V-21 Admission to West Virginia University Parkersburg



VI-01 Students Called to Active Military Duty

VI-01A Students Called to National Guard Duty

VI-02 Drug-Free Policy for the Workplace and School

VI-03 Student Concerns

VI-03C Prohibition of Hazing

VI-04 Services for Students and Visitors with Disabilities

VI-05B Repeating Courses & Grade Forgiveness

VI-06A Awarding West Virginia University at Parkersburg Undergraduate Scholarships

VI-06B - Policy for Awarding WVU Parkersburg Foundation Scholarships

VI-08 Residency Appeal Process

VI-10 Academic Standing

VI-10A Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress For Financial Aid Applicants

VI-10B Financial Aid Appeals

VI-10C Withdrawal and Return of Title IV Financial Aid

VI-11B Tuition and Fees

VI-11D Deferred Tuition Payment Plan

VI-11E Refunds of Tuition and Fees

VI-12 Telephone Requests to Contact Student on Campus

VI-13 Student Information/Privacy Act

VI-14 Student Participation in Commencement

VI-16 Religious Accommodation for Applicants and Students

VI-17 Student Academic Integrity Policy



VII-01 Guidelines for Appropriate Use of Computer Resources

VII-02 Campus Guidelines on Solicitation

VII-03 Institutional Travel and Vehicle Usage Guidelines

VII-04A Campus Bookstore Procedures for Ordering Textbooks and Instructional Supplies

VII-05 Grant Seeking Guidelines

VII-06 Records Retention Guidelines

VII-07 Procedure for Hospitality Services

VII-08 Procedure Regarding WV Freedom of Information Act Requests

VII-09 Purchase Card (P-Card) Procedures

VII-10 Purchasing Procedures

VII-10A Receiving Procedures

VII-11 Procedure for Reserving Outdoor Areas

VII-11A Use of College Facilities, Equipment and Materials

VII-11B Visitors

VII-11C Policy on Use and Rental of Institutional Facilities

VII-13 Procedures for Submission of Consultant and Contract Services Agreements

VII-14 Coordination of Publications

VII-14A Copyright

VII-16 Receipt of Gifts, Bequests and Donations

VII-16A West Virginia Ethics Commission Guidance Regarding Door Prizes, Gifts and Giveaways at Conferences

VII-17 Institutional Participation in Research Projects

VII-18 College Reports and Institutional Research

VII-20 WVU Parkersburg Website



VIII-02 Procedures for Canceling Classes or Closing the College

VIII-03 Emergency Procedures

VIII-04A Parking Regulations

VIII-06 Support for Lactation Needs

VIII-08 Guidelines for the Use of a Service Animal

VIII-09 Deadly Weapons & Dangerous Objects Administrative Procedure

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