Salute to Scholar
The following link contains our brochure. Please take a moment to look it over and see what we offer. To access a copy of the brochure click on this link:
American Legion Scholarship
VFW Scholarship
In addition to VA Educational Benefits, student veterans are often eligible for a number of scholarships. The WVU at Parkersburg Foundation has made it easy to manage and apply for scholarships in your OLSIS account under Student Records.
Veterans Upward Bound

Veterans Upward Bound's mission is to assist and support eligible military veterans in their quest for higher education. Veterans Upward Bound is a United States Department of Education TRIO program dedicated to helping Veterans of the U.S. Military take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them. VUB provides services and materials (at no cost to program participants) for the purpose of facilitating enrollment into and successful completion of studies at institutions of higher learning. Veterans throughout West Virginia have received services from our Veterans Upward Bound program since 1990. Former VUB participants have earned degrees from colleges and universities in West Virginia and other states. For more information, please visit
Military Leave Policy
Titile: #VI-1. Students Called to Active Military Duty
Date: August 9, 2017 (Replaces version dated June 18, 2002)
In accordance with WV Code 15-1F-1a, the following policy is hereby in effect for West Virginia University at Parkersburg:
Military Residency Policy
Active duty military, Reservists, National Guard Members, Veterans, and their dependents may be classified as in-state residents for tuition and fee purposes if they have a West Virginia addresses. Contact the veteran advocate for more information.
VA Work Study Program
Individuals eligible for participation in the VA work study program are paid hourly wage completed in authorized VA-related activities.
The applicant must:
To apply within the VRC or other VA approved work sites: