Third-Party Reporters:
ALL EMPLOYEES of WVU at Parkersburg are mandatory reporters and are required by law and/or by Board policy to notify the institution if you have witnessed or otherwise learned of possible harassment, discrimination or retaliation involving any member of the WVU at Parkersburg community, when that conduct has occurred within, or creates an impact within, the college’s academic or workplace environment. Employees may not make anonymous third-party reports.
When a student reports sexual violence to the counselor in Student Support Services while the counselor is performing official counseling duties, the counselor is not required (with few exceptions) to report identifying information, but, if applicable, would be obligated to report data only for annual Clery reporting purposes.
An employee is not required to report their own personal experience as a potential victim unless they wish to do so. Sharing information with any other employee, however, will obligate the other employee to fulfill their mandatory reporting obligation.